What We Do

Established in 2018, the U.S.-Guatemala Business Council (USG-BC) focuses on promoting and facilitating dialogue between both countries and the Guatemalan private sector and U.S. investments in Guatemala. Our aim is to work on developing a structured economic agenda and policy priorities to address challenges to investment and economic growth.

The USG-BC hosts business sector visits to Washington, D.C. roundtables, briefings, and other events featuring senior U.S. and Guatemalan officials, academics, and business leaders.

Business Sector Delegations: The USG-BC promotes and organizes private sector visits to Washington, D.C. These allow our members to meet and interact with high level officials in the U.S. Executive and Legislative Branch and brief them on the challenges to national and foreign investment in Guatemala.
USG-BC Engagement: The USG-BC organizes events and briefings that allow our members to interact and build relations with decision makers and policy shapers of the U.S. – Guatemala agenda.
Developing a U.S. – Guatemala Economic Agenda: The USG-BC provides vital information on business and development priorities aimed at generating a structured economic agenda with clear objectives and timelines to facilitate progress.
Member advisory: The USG – BC provides vital information, advocacy and advisory to its members on issues related to the U.S. – Guatemala agenda. It’s constant work in Washington, D.C. and offices in Guatemala present a unique setting to do this.