Our Mission

The U.S. – Guatemala Business Council (USG-BC) is an organization established to strengthen relations between the United States and  Guatemala. The mission of the organization is to provide a platform for communication between business, government leaders, policymakers, academia, and civil society in the U.S. and Guatemala.

Our Vision

In an era of increasingly important North-South relationships, Guatemala plays a geostrategic role for U.S. National interest. A strong relationship between our countries is vital to achieve successful results towards our common goals. We aim to work together to deliver on the promise of, improving our economies, fighting corruption, job creation, strengthen border security, reduce illicit migration, improve health and education, combat drug-trafficking and organized crime, in a way that is significant, quantifiable and immediate.

What We Do

Established in 2018, the U.S.-Guatemala Business Council (USG-BC) focuses on promoting and facilitating dialogue between both countries and the Guatemalan private sector and U.S. investments in Guatemala. Our aim is to work on developing a structured economic agenda and policy priorities to address challenges to investment and economic growth…

Executive Director

Ana A. Barrios is the Executive Director of the U.S. – Guatemala Business Council. She is responsible for the Council’s management and initiatives and is a member of its Board of Directors.
Ms. Barrios has worked both in the Public and Private sectors in Guatemala. She started her career at the Guatemalan Stock Exchange and after studying abroad returned to advise Guatemalan President’s and Ministers on financial structures for social Housing and Development. In 2005 she was given a Presidential Award for achieving yearly goals on social housing for underdeveloped rural areas. She headed the Title and Escrow wing at the CentralAmerican Bank for Economic Integration- CABEI…